We at Ayamba LitCast are honoured to mark another year with you, our beloved community. To celebrate, we’ve prepared a few things we hope you will like.
In this episode of Jolly Reading, Namse reads a book by Maryam Awaisu titled Ms. Joana's Rules. This isn't just for the kids though, as parents will also discover how to navigate the difficult topic of body rules.
As 2022 draws near, we return with a Meet & Greet that will answer every hobbyist and aspiring pro’s biggest question — how to get paid for your craft.
For her second anniversary celebration, Ayamba LitCast invites writers from across the world to submit essays on the theme of REBIRTH. We want compelling pieces that not only excite but enable us to navigate the life before us. Entertain us, make us laugh, cry. We want your story to jump out of the pages and confront us. In spite of our despair, we want works that make us affirm life.