Title: On This the 100th Anniversary of the Sinking of the Titanic, We Reconsider the Buoyancy of the Human Heart.
Author: Laura Lamb Brown-Lavoie
The poetry doctor, Hauwa Saleh has her bio in the members’ profile section.
Title: On This the 100th Anniversary of the Sinking of the Titanic, We Reconsider the Buoyancy of the Human Heart.
Author: Laura Lamb Brown-Lavoie
The poetry doctor, Hauwa Saleh has her bio in the members’ profile section.
Amazing hauwa❤️❤️❤️
I’ve played this about six times. The first time to just listen to the exquisiteness of the poetry doctor’s voice, the second time to absorb the words, the third time to comprehend that beautiful accent, the fourth time to merge the voice, the words and accent and the fifth and sixth time because I just can’t get enough of this.